EST 1982

Ankole Cattle Breeds possess a unique trait of producing beef products with low fat and cholesterol levels - African Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences - 5 (2), 2010 ISSN: 1819-4214
The farm was started in 1982. It sits on approximately 7 square miles (about 5000 acres). It stocks up to 3000 animals. Operations include Commercial Cattle and Goat rearing. These are mainly for Beef, Dairy and Breeding. Key breeds include Boran, Brahman, Sentimental, Zebu, Sahiwal, Ankole and cross breeds. Goat Breeds include Boer, Mubende and Cross breeds (F1/F2). Key practices developed on the farm include improved breeding, pasture management, disease management, farm management.
Over the years, the farm has developed various tools, techniques and practices to improve its livestock. These include improved animal mass and weights ratios, milk production levels, reduced disease prevalence in animals among others. Improved fodder/ pasture and grazing techniques, disciplined veterinary regimen and cattle handling practices have been key to these successes. The farm has developed invaluable Breeding experience over the years winning various livestock breeding accolades and continues to apply best practice in live stock production to ensure quality at all levels.